It was a fantasy setting, and while we didn't get far into the game I think the early bits were set in a forest. The game had a top-down 2D view, like in simple turn-based RPGs. We occassionally got to play it for a short while as a treat for good work. I don't know what kind of computers we had (I don't even know what operating systems there were back in those days.) Despite it being on a school computer, I'm pretty sure it wasn't an educational game. It was a game we had on our class computers when I was in Year 1/2 at school (so this would be 1995-97 and in the UK, if that matters). Maybe when you start the game, you also got some other battleships to accompany you (2 maybe in the early level) "battleground", I can't remember about the position of the menu/map (if there's any)/anything else The game it's not on polygon/wire frame (my drawing just sucks)

path, so even if it's in space, you can't past those gray lines/pattern/there's already a "road", you can't go anywhere you want (example, in Spore, you can almost travel anywhere, almost no limit. The round purple is your mothership (maybe a bit smaller), the gray one is like the. The game itself (dunno about your/others suggestion) have 1 race only (at least I believe I can only choose one), there's no option like zerg/terran/protoss/human/something like that It's also not Galactic Civilizations II (When I google the screenshot of master of orion, I found this game, looks similar but also not as complicated) It's not that one (not 1/2/3), it's more simpler. haven't played those games in years, but i vaguely remember a mothership of some sort. Perhaps master of orion or its sequel? the first was for dos the second was on cd too. Hello, I just created the account to tell you the game is named Street Shuffle, it took me about 2 years of looking around to find its name. So it was most likely released somewhere else as well. The gas was measured in gallons for example and the text was in English. I believe it was a freeware/shareware game we got from "PC hemma" a Swedish computer magazine. In some levels, you put the road pieces on the squares yourself.

You have to move around the bricks so the taxi can reach the exit. The first level looks something like this: After every level you can buy more gas as well as upgrades for your car, such as better tires. While it's driving, you lose gas so you have to finish the level before it runs out. What you have to do is to fix the road so that the taxi can finish to the exit. At the beginning of every level, someone shouted "Taxi!", a nice little tune starts and the taxi sets off. I'm looking for an old PC-game from the 90s that my brothers and I played a long time ago.